Saturday, June 13, 2009

Getting Your Ex Back

Did you break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend? Maybe your spouse has just informed you that they want to end it because things aren’t working out?

Everyone has experienced the heartbreak of breaking up at some point in their lives and a lot of the time the best solution is to just move on, which is fine and dandy ( I can’t believe I just used the term fine and dandy) for some people, but what are you supposed to do or better yet, what can you do if you don’t want to move on?

What if you want to get your ex back?

First and foremost, stop being a victim. If you don’t feel like you are a victim, that’s great. But most people that are on the unwanted end of a breakup think of themselves as a victim, or worse yet, a loser. The other party did something to me; it’s my fault things didn’t work out. I’m not worthy of my ex’s affection because I wasn’t good enough for them. If you feel like that, get over it! It is nothing more than a false pretense and false pretense is the last thing you need if you want to get your ex back.

Come back to reality. The reality is most relationships break ups can be reversed. It really isn’t that hard to get your ex back.

The only reason they aren’t reversed is because most people don’t know how to do it. Most people don’t have any idea how to get their ex back. They don’t know the steps you need to take to get your ex back. That my friend is what this site is dedicated to and will show you what steps you need to take. Those steps, those tips, those techniques; If you want to get your ex back, pay attention.

Step one in getting your ex back: understanding what led to the break up?

You need to think about this, really analyze the causes of your breakup. No one is suggesting you are superman and can fly around the earth so fast you will change the gravitational pull of the earth and go back in time. What I am suggesting is while you may not be able to go back in time and correct exact moments, you certainly can use the past as a learning experience and see what mistakes were made and find corrections that can be implemented. You may even be able to pinpoint a specific event or particular behavior that led to the breakup. Take a look at it, analyze it and learn from it.


Never Ever give up control of yourself! No matter how pathetic or desperate or needy you may feel. Never let it show. What you need to project most at this moment is an image of confidence and strength. Mo matter how much that may not feel like the truth you need to muster all your strength and project that image as the truth. You are a great unique person that anyone would be lucky to know and get to know better. You’re special, and if your ex can’t see that then there is something wrong with them. I know this can be difficult. Breaking up with your ex can shatter your world, but if your goal is to get your ex back, you have to project the idea that you are in control and it’s your ex who’s the loser in this situation, not you. Needy will only validate your ex’s opinion and pus them farther away. The idea that needs to be projected is that your ex made a mistake. They need to realize that mistake and come back to you. You will make them understand they have made a terrible mistake and they will ask for your forgiveness. This is basically what getting your ex back comes down to. In the pages of wisdom contained in this site, you will learn all the tips, tricks and techniques that all lead to getting your ex back.

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